Well, about "Graphical Logins", it depends on which *DM you use ...
With GDM (Gnome 3.18) I have this:
#!/bin/sh <= *important*
# First read /etc/profile and .profile
test -f /etc/profile && . /etc/profile
test -f "$HOME/.profile" && . "$HOME/.profile"
# Second read /etc/xprofile and .xprofile for X specific setup
test -f /etc/xprofile && . /etc/xprofile
test -f "$HOME/.xprofile" && . "$HOME/.xprofile"
So, ~/.profile gets sourced in login using /bin/sh and not /bin/bash
There are two cases
- /bin/sh is linked to /bin/bash but runs in "POSIX/Bourne" mode
- /bin/sh is /bin/dash (debian/ubuntu). Fastest but with less features (ShellShock support ;) )
So the /bin/sh profile is ~/.profile and not ~/.bash_profile, ~/.zprofile
This file should be used for "shell agnostic" settings, like path and environment variables.
NO executable program for login-only user interaction should be but here
(mail check, fortune, etc ...)
the ~/.*rc are meant only for "interactive" sessions (aliases for instance ...)
There is a difference among bash and zsh for interactive login shells
bash sources only .bash_profile, while zsh sources in the order:
- ~/.zprofile
- ~/.zshrc
- ~/zlogin (here aliases defined in ~/.zshrc are available. in case of "interactive" + "login" shells
The right way to do ~/.bash_profile was answered here:
Difference between .bashrc and .bash_profile
if [ -r ~/.profile ]; then . ~/.profile; fi
case "$-" in *i*) if [ -r ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc; fi;; esac
To enable test (and profiling), you may use this
# ------------------------------------------------
export _DOT_BASH_PROFILE_0=`date --rfc-3339=ns`
# ------------------------------------------------
if [ -f ~/.profile ] ; then
. ~/.profile
case "$-" in *i*) if [ -r ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc; fi;; esac
# ------------------------------------------------
export _DOT_BASH_PROFILE_1=`date --rfc-3339=ns`
# ------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------
export _DOT_ZSH_PROFILE_0=`date --rfc-3339=ns`
# ------------------------------------------------
if [ -f ~/.profile ] ; then
. ~/.profile
# no need to source, zsh already handle ~/.zshrc
###case "$-" in *i*) if [ -r ~/.zshrc ]; then . ~/.zshrc; fi;; esac
# ------------------------------------------------
export _DOT_ZSH_PROFILE_1=`date --rfc-3339=ns`
# ------------------------------------------------
then, to test:
chsh -s /bin/bash
ssh localhost
ssh localhost env
ssh -t localhost bash -i -c env
chsh -s /bin/zsh
ssh localhost
ssh localhost env
ssh -t localhost bash -i -c env
So RVM/virtualenv should go in ~/.profile, IMHO
But this DOES NOT WORK, sometimes ...
For instance, virualenvwrapper works only if the shell
running Xsession is an "original" bash (exporting BASH_VERSION)
If you are on a dash system, the environment variable and path setting work, but virualenvwrapper function definition do not work because the script is not POSIX compliant.
The script doesn't give any error but it ends without any "workon" definition.
So you can set the environment at hand in ~/.profile, just to enable the correct python execution from client started directly from X:
export VIRTUAL_ENV="/home/mike/var/virtualenvs/myvirtualenv"
export PATH="$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin:$PATH"
But for virualenvwrapper you have two alternatives:
- source it in ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zprofile (or ~/.zlogin) when terminal acts as login shell
- include the script in ~/.bashrc or ~/zshrc
This means that X clients (emacs for instance) should be started from the terminal shell and not from the graphical one!
"I can't get no satisfaction ..."