I have been trying to copy all files in the various sub-directories that have a JPG extension located on C: into a single directory on D:. I don't want to preserve the directory structure.

This is as far as I have gotten:

for /r C:\ %f in (*.jpg) do @copy "%f" D:\pictures

After this point, I'm asked if I want to overwrite D:\pictures. If I answer yes, I wind up with a single file, and if I answer no, no files get copied.

I also tried adding /y at the end of the command, but it just overwrites the preceding files leaving only the last one.

2 Answers 2


This should work:

for /r C:\ %f in (*.jpg) do @copy "%f" D:\pictures\


The command copy "%f" D:\pictures copies the file %f to the location D:\pictures, which is the file pictures in the directory D:\.

Adding a trailing \ to make sure copy treats pictures as a directory.

If you copy multiple files to a single location (e. g., copy *.* D:\backup), copy automatically treats backup as a directory. But this is not the case when you copy a single file.

  • What to do if there is more than 1 file with the same name at different directories? Would the above command overwrite the fist copied file with the last one? How can we prevent this? Thanks.
    – NoChance
    Commented Sep 3, 2013 at 23:36
  • 1
    @EmmadKareem: None of the standard copy utilities (copy, xcopy, robocopy) have a built-in function to prevent clobbering. You should ask a new question.
    – Dennis
    Commented Sep 5, 2013 at 18:34

for /R c:\ %%1 in ("*.txt") do @xcopy "%%1" d:\txttemp%%~p1 /e/i/s/q/h

this code will copy without over write and will create folders and sub folders

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