I have to install manually a file with a type I never seen before: .dsc

How can I install this kind of file on linux??

  • 1
    That's not a software package, it's just a text file that describes a software package.
    – Wyzard
    Commented Apr 18, 2012 at 2:23

2 Answers 2


From FilExt.com:

Debian (Source Control (Source Package)) Typically lower case on *nix systems. Description File DPKG-source

Debian source packages consist of two or three files. First the *.DSC file which contains some information information about the package and checksums for the remaining file(s). Second a *.TAR.GZ holding the upstream sources. And third, if any changes need to be made to the sources, they are distributed as *.DIFF.GZ. To simplify the unpacking process a single command, "dpkg-source -x *.dsc", is provided by Debian to unpack these files. This association is classified as Source Code.


From Linuxquestions.org

Full procedure to install the package related to a .dsc file:

  1. Before you begin, note that, besides the .dsc file, you must have the corresponding xxx-orig.tar.xz and xxx-debian.tar.xz files.

  2. Install dpkg-dev package, if not present in your linux machine

    sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev

  3. Following command extracts the package into an automatically created directory. Note: the necessary xxx-orig.tar.xz and xxx-debian.tar.xz files must be in the same directory as the .dsc file in order to work properly.

    dpkg-source -x yourfile.dsc

    If you get error message concerning the signature, check this post here.

  4. To build the package get into the directory that was created in 2nd step and issue this command

    dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b

  5. To install the built package issue this command

    dpkg -i ../yourfile_arch.deb


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