I've recently fallen in love with efficient text completion systems. One of my favourite kinds of completion is so-called fuzzy completion. This is a mode where the program will complete the user's input based on only a couple of characters that can occur 'anywhere' (almost) in the file name or path. This feature exists at least for these programs:
- TextMate
- Vim Command-T plugin https://github.com/wincent/Command-T
- Vim completion system https://github.com/Shougo/neocomplcache
- Various modern IDEs
Usage example of this mode in a text editor:
User is trying to complete the word longWordNameThatTheyDontWantToWriteByHand, and they can do so by typing e.g. the first letter and some of the capital case letters. So typing lwnt could complete to the whole word.
My question is: is there a mode or something similar that I could use with the zsh shell?