I have downloaded snipMate.zip form vim.org. The install instruction says that:

  • unzip it and paste it in .vim directory.
  • There should be :filetype plugin on in .vimrc file

I have did both but non of the snippets are working. This is the first time I'm installing any plugin.

  • It's not clear to me how you installed it. You wrote you unzipped it and pasted it in your .vim directory. SnipMate.vim contains several files in seven directories. Are you sure you got all the files in the right directories? It's usually best to move a file such as snipMate.zip into your ~/.vim directory first and unzip it there.
    – garyjohn
    Jul 13, 2012 at 5:45

1 Answer 1


Did you put the snipMate directory that you get after unzipping directly inside ~/.vim? Like that: ~/.vim/snipMate?

It's its content that you have to put into ~/.vim:

├── after
│   └── plugin
│       └── snipMate.vim
├── autoload
│   └── snipMate.vim
├── doc
│   └── snipMate.txt
├── ftplugin
│   └── html_snip_helper.vim
├── plugin
│   └── snipMate.vim
├── snippets
│   ├── autoit.snippets
│   ├── cpp.snippets
│   ├── c.snippets
│   ├── html.snippets
│   ├── javascript.snippets
│   ├── java.snippets
│   ├── mako.snippets
│   ├── objc.snippets
│   ├── perl.snippets
│   ├── php.snippets
│   ├── python.snippets
│   ├── ruby.snippets
│   ├── sh.snippets
│   ├── _.snippets
│   ├── snippet.snippets
│   ├── tcl.snippets
│   ├── tex.snippets
│   ├── vim.snippets
│   └── zsh.snippets
└── syntax
    └── snippet.vim

After that, put this line in your ~/.vimrc:

filetype plugin on

and run this command in Vim to make the snipMate doc available:

:helptags ~/.vim/doc

If you do all that, you should be able to read the snipMate doc, which you should do before anything else:

:help snipmate

Good luck.


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