On linux I can kill a process knowing only the port it is listening on using fuser -k 9000/tcp
, how do I so the same on MacOS?
7 Answers
lsof -P | grep ':PortNumber' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
Change PortNumber
to the actual port you want to search for.
2I just had to add
to the end to get this to work, but I believe that is due to the nature of the listening application and not generally recommended practice, tokill -9
that is.– KrisCommented Jul 24, 2012 at 7:37 -
@Kris - lsof -P | grep ':NumberOfPort' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 worked!– aces.Commented Jan 18, 2013 at 15:56
Adding the -t and -i flags to lsof
should speed it up even more by removing the need for grep and awk.
lsof -nti:NumberOfPort | xargs kill -9
Avoids host names lookup (may result in faster performance)-t
Terse output; returns process IDs only to facilitate piping the output to kill-i
Selects only those files whose Internet address matches
Non-catchable, non-ignorable kill
You can see if a port if open by this command
sudo lsof -i :8000
where 8000 is the port number
If the port is open, it should return a string containing the Process ID (PID).
Copy this PID and
kill -9 PID
If you need to see all the open ports, you can perform a Port Scan in the Network Utility application.
Add -n to lsof and you remove the reverse DNS lookup from the command and reduce the run time from minutes to seconds.
lsof -Pn | grep ':NumberOfPort' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
- Check your port is open or not by
sudo lsof -i : {PORT_NUMBER}
java 582 Thirumal 300u IPv6 0xf91b63da8f10f8b7 0t0 TCP *:distinct (LISTEN)
2. Close the port by killing process PID
sudo kill -9 582
You can use kill -9 $(lsof -i:PORT -t) 2> /dev/null
, where PORT is your actual port number. It will kill the process which is running on your given port.
If you prefer to have tool with a GUI, you can use: https://github.com/ayedo/tcpkiller