I'd like to join csv files in Ubuntu.

ID_a, ID_b, a,  b,  c
key_a, A,   a1, b1, c1
key_a, B,   a2, b2, c2
key_b, A,   a3, b3, c3

ID_a, ID_b, d,  e,  f
key_a, A,   d1, e1, f1
key_a, B,   d2, e2, f2
key_b, A,   d3, e3, f3

ID_a, ID_b, a, b,  c,  d,  e,  f
key_a, A,  a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1
key_a, B,  a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2
key_b, A,  a3, b3, c3, d3, e3, f3

The input CSV files should be joined on common columns in their header. Is there a stock solution to this, or should I write my own script to do it?


2 Answers 2


Try the join command:

NAME join - join lines of two files on a common field


DESCRIPTION For each pair of input lines with identical join fields, write a line to standard output. The default join field is the first, delimited by whitespace. When FILE1 or FILE2 (not both) is -, read standard input.

So you should be able to do:

join file_A.csv file_B.csv > file_AB.csv

You may have to join your first and second fields into one for this to work though - as in essence they can be seen as one field anyway.

I just double checked and it seems to work as long as your files have the format e.g.:

ID_aID_b, a,  b,  c
key_aA,   a1, b1, c1
key_aB,   a2, b2, c2
key_bA,   a3, b3, c3

as I mentioned above.

  • I don't think this'll work for me. I'd need to do scripting to merge then split the ID columns, so is would be just as easy to script the join. Jul 25, 2012 at 15:44
  • @ajwood: That's unfortunate - in that case some amount of scripting will likely be needed.
    – jmetz
    Jul 25, 2012 at 16:04
  • @ajwood - see my comment on the question itself - there is a very similar question already posted on stackoverflow.
    – jmetz
    Jul 25, 2012 at 16:17

Here is my solution in Python

import sys
import csv

def main(args):
    # store each header we read
    headers = []

    # Intersect headers to get our keys
    for arg in args:
        with open(arg) as f:
            curr = csv.reader(f).next()
                keys = list( set(keys) & set(curr) )
            except NameError:
                keys = curr

    # New header
    header = list(keys)
    for h in headers:
        header += [ k for k in h if k not in keys ]

    # Join data
    data = {}
    for arg in args:
        with open(arg) as f:
            reader = csv.DictReader(f)
            for line in reader:
                data_key = tuple([ line[k] for k in keys ])
                if not data_key in data: data[data_key] = {}
                for k in header:
                        data[data_key][k] = line[k]
                    except KeyError:

    # Drop keys that are missing data (keys not present in all files)
    for key in data.keys():
        for col in header:
            if key in data and not col in data[key]:
                del( data[key] )

    # Dump data
    print ','.join(header)
    for key in sorted(data):
        row = [ data[key][col] for col in header ]
        print ','.join(row)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sys.exit( main( sys.argv[1:]) )

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