Suppose I have serveral BMP image file, say 001.bmp, 002.bmp,..., 100.bmp. I want to convert these files to a single djvu file, whose first page is the content of 001.bmp, the second page is the content of 002.bmp...etc.

What is the best way (software) to do this task? I don't want to upload those image file to a server, since it takes too much time. On the other hand, I am not restricted to use BMP files, I can also work with PNG or JPG files.

3 Answers 3


Assuming you are on Linux. Install the djvulibre packages (on Debian/Ubuntu, it's apt install djvulibre-bin), cd to the path where you have your images and run the following:

for x in *.jpg; do c44 -dpi 300 $x; done
djvm -c ../result.djvu *.djvu
ddjvu -format=pdf myfile.djvu myfile.pdf


On Windows you could follow these steps on cygwin, WSL or similar.

  • Note: you may want to add -percent 100 or similar option after -dpi 300, otherwise image quality in the resulting DJVU (and thus PDF) file may be quite bad.
    – Ruslan
    Nov 18, 2018 at 15:15

For color pages:

c44 -dpi 300 pg1.jpg pg1.djvu

For black/white:

for (( i = 2; i <= $N; i++ )); do
  echo $i
  convert pg$i.jpg pg$i.pbm
  cjb2 pg$i.pbm pg$i.djvu
  pages="$pages pg$i.djvu"

Join all pages:

djvm -c book.djvu  $pages
  • Since c44 takes jpg's why do you suggest doing the conversion to pbm specifically for black and white?
    – Diagon
    Mar 20, 2017 at 3:23
  • BW uses a much less memory then color. cjb2 works only with pbm files if I proper remember...
    – gavenkoa
    Mar 20, 2017 at 8:48

If you want to use multiple cores while conversion, so it will be much much ... much faster :

$ CPU_N="6"; DPI="100"; for i in `ls *.JPG`  ; do echo "$i --> ${i%.JPG}.djvu" ; c44  -dpi "$DPI"   $i   ${i%.JPG}.djvu &  { while [[  $( ps aux | grep c44 | grep -v grep | wc -l )  -eq "$CPU_N" ]] ; do  sleep 1 ; done ; };      done;   { while [[  $( ps aux | grep c44 | grep -v grep | wc -l )  -ge 1 ]] ; do  echo "wait.."; sleep 1 ; done ; }; echo "done" 

CPU_N = a number of cores you want to use for conversion.
DPI = set dpi for djvu files.

Actually -dpi setting of c44 command doesnt do anything usefull, however it is another story.

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