I have a huge space on the second page of my resume. It seems there is a defined header on it, causing the appearance of my resume to look unprofessional. How do I delete the even page header to pul up my information to the top of the page?

1 Answer 1


Create new document

Create new document

Add header by double clicking in header section.

Add header by double clicking in header section

Add random content.

Add random content

Insert section break at the end of the page.

Insert section break at the end of the page.

Un-check Link as Previous under the Header Footer context menu

Un-check Link as Previous under the Header Footer context menu

Select header text on the second page header.

Select header text on the second page header.

Delete the text.

  • I did everything that you told me to do but, on the final step how do you delete the header? Thank you Jan 2, 2013 at 1:43
  • Updated my answer with images.
    – whoacowboy
    Jan 2, 2013 at 16:36

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