Or: Why don't my PCs wake up every time I send the Magic Packet?
I do have 2 PCs with similar hardware settings, similar software (OS is Windows 7 x64 Professional) and both connected to the same network. I use some random WoL-Tool (http://www.gammadyne.com/cmdline.htm, sending the Magic Packet to the MAC address) to start the PCs up, whenever I need them.
What I experienced is the following: About 95% (or even higher) of the time, Wake On Lan is working just great on both of the PCs. But sometimes one or the other (never head both so far) does not wake up, after the package has been sent. It so, even re sending the packet multiple times (even after some hours or days) does not help. If I start up and shutdown the affected PC manually, it will wake on lan without problems.
I already
- did check the BIOS settings for the LAN adapter (WoL is enabled)
- did check Advanced Device Settings ("Wake from Shutdown" is on)
- did check the Device Power Settings ("Allow this device to wake the computer" is checked)
Is this a know problem that Wake On Lan is not 100% reliable? Any further things I might want to check?
Update: Fixed wording.
Update: Some points that were mentioned:
- Both PCs are set to automatically start up after a power loss.
- Both PCs are on a power supply that is not switched off.
- Both PCs are directly connected to the same router.
Update I managed to "provoke" one PC to not start on WoL by just Waking them and shutting them both down repeatedly. The LEDs on the LAN adapters on both PCs are blinking (about 1 green blink per second). I tried unplugging and replugging the wire at that PC, but it didn't help.