On a page with scrollbars, when I press the middle mouse button, I get a "tool" to scroll the page by moving my mouse.

scroll tool

How do you completely disable this functionality? I only activate it by mistake and it is never what I want.

I've read suggestions to disable this feature in the control panel, but my SetPoint settings are already set to treat the button as a "Generic Button". I also don't have the option to define set up application-specific profiles as mentioned in the Google+ post linked above.

enter image description here

  • "On a page with scrollbars..." Where's the page? Which apps do you see this behaviour in? For example, if you middle-click in a Win Explorer folder with scrollbars, does that auto-scroll too? Even with no special mouse drivers/software installed and using the generic Windows drivers, some apps still auto-scroll. Most browsers support this feature natively, as also apps like Word, Wordpad etc. When it's an app feature, obviously the app needs to support disabling it. Firefox does (look under Options / Advanced / General / Browsing), but haven't found any way for most other apps yet.
    – Karan
    Mar 8, 2013 at 0:39
  • 1
    @Karan My question is specific to Chrome. The tag was removed by another user. I'll look into it once I'm back home. Mar 8, 2013 at 19:16

1 Answer 1


Most mice have this as a configurable setting. Go to Control Panel and search mouse. Click 'Change mouse settings'

For my Arc mouse I can launch a setting panel to configure the operation of the various buttons. The wheel button can be changed to options like browser back or disabled completely. You don't specify a specific mouse brand but most should have options like this.


  • Yeah, I tried that. I have a Logitech though that comes with SetPoint Settings and in there, the button is already set to "Generic Button". I'll update my question. Mar 7, 2013 at 16:31

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