I would like to make the cmd.exe window wider in Windows 7 so it can display a tracert without wrapping. Is that possible? The window seems to be resizable only in the vertical direction when dragged. If not possible, is there a good reason why there is this limitation?

4 Answers 4


You can change height and width by right clicking the top border and selecting defaults. Navigate to the layout tab and change it from there.

enter image description here

  • The hitch with this is that the command window doesn't auto-resize to this size when you open a new instance. It just gets a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom for you to resize to the width you specified.
    – prrao
    Apr 17, 2013 at 16:59

Follow these steps:

  • open a cmd window
  • right click the title bar
  • select Properties
  • select Layout tab
  • adjust Width under Buffer size and Window size
  • click OK

Quick one-off way is using the mode command.

For example

 Mode 120,300

Should try to show 120 columns.


You can use Windows Powershell. Although slightly wider, it also has a fixed max width, but for most purposes it's wide enough and doesn't wrap words to next line.


You can resize Command Prompt or Powershell windows by:

Right click on title bar > Properties > Layout tab.

Here you can specify a new width (default is 80 in Command Prompt and 120 in Powershell).

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