I have done a bit of searching and cannot find a keyboard shortcut for this command in Microsoft Word 2007. I am not talking about simply making a text selection. (that would be a no brainer) What I would like to do is select some text and toggle the background color so it appears as if it were marked with a yellow highlighter.

Is there any way to do this with a keyboard shortcut?

Highlight Color Command Button

6 Answers 6


You can set them in Word Options, Customize, Keyboard Shortcuts.

Edit: Actually, it's already Ctrl + Alt + H.

  • @Daniel - awesome! May I ask where you found the answer? Jul 16, 2009 at 18:37
  • I delved into the customize keyboard short cuts and looked for Highlight under all commands. Jul 16, 2009 at 18:37
  • 2
    In windows there was a way to display all the shortcuts in the word window itself on all the options. For Mac ?? any idea
    – devdoe
    Apr 25, 2014 at 6:00
  • 6
    what about mac? May 31, 2019 at 5:53

An alternative is to use Alt + H + I.


You can easily create your own macros for that, using the Word Macro recorder.

  1. highlight a word or phrase
  2. Start the macro recorder (Tools - Macro - Record new macro)
  3. assign the macro a name, define if it should be stored in Normal.dot or the current file, assign a keyboard shortcut (after all this, you'll close the dialogs and end up with a recording icon)
  4. format your selected text
  5. Stop the macro recorder
  • This is a good solution for Word Mac version. May 26, 2022 at 21:29

You can set them in Word Options, Customize, Keyboard Shortcuts.

Goto "Tools" menu and select "Highlight" option

Assign keyboard shortcut to it like "Ctrl+H"


First, you make sure you have the right color. Then highlight with your curser and press. Ctrl+ alt + H . After that, you can just highlight it with your cursor and tapped «Ctrl + alt + H ».


Use Alt+H+I to select the color to start with and then keep using that color with Ctrl+Alt+H till the time you need to change the color.

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