I need to delete Program Files (x86) folder.
I can't delete it because some dll files cannot be deleted. One of the first of them is "common/.../dao360.dll"
I am following this tutorial: http://www.001easytricks.com/2012/06/delete-program-files-x86-from-windows-7.html
I've tried to change ownership to my Admin user using:
takeown /f "C:\Program Files (x86)" /r /d n
This change was successful.
After this I executed:
icacls "C:\Program Files (x86)" /grant administrators:F /t
with no success.
I've also tried to give permission to my user from the GUI successfully.
But I still cannot delete the folder.
So how how do I do that? Is it possible to delete that folder with the DLL files in it after I've logged in?