If I can no longer run chrome itself, How can I recover tab information from files in the chrome profile directory?
3 Answers
Attention to passerbys!
The two answers here are both outdated as of July 2021.
The Current Session|Tabs files are no longer used.
But you will find in the Default/Sessions/
folder lies the last two sessions and tabs files.
You can use this tool https://github.com/lemnos/chrome-session-dump to get your last visited websites.
Well if you want to take your tabs/sessions to another PC Michael Ben-Nes post is still partially functional: copying ~username/.config/google-chrome/Default entirely to another pc will also carry over the tabs/session. Commented Aug 25 at 7:20
Use ccl-ssns (before on Google Code) with the 'Last Tab' and 'Last Session' files in
- Windows 7, 8.1, and 10:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
- Mac OS X:
Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default
- Linux:
The Tabs listed in the output HTML with index '0' are the last tabs open.
Have they moved these files into the
folder by chance? Commented Aug 15, 2021 at 19:13 -
Apparently google moves this stuff around frequently because then crave to have access to all your devices so that you see the tabs across all your devices. As if it is wise to have 50 tabs on your phone like I do on my desktop. Probably not wise anyway but 32Gb of ram can handle that abuse the phone will not. At the moment this information is in ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Sessions Commented Aug 24 at 4:29
The files that restored my session from the backup files where:
.config/google-chrome/Default/Current\ Session
.config/google-chrome/Default/Current\ Tabs
Just copy the files to /home/username/.config/google-chrome/Default
Although the Current* are no longer there copying ~username/.config/google-chrome/Default entirely to another pc will also carry over the tabs/session. Commented Aug 25 at 7:26