Google Chrome, by default uses the system's proxy settings, as depicted in this screenshots from the settings screen of Google Chrome.

enter image description here

Is it in anyway possible to have Google Chrome take on manual settings and not from default system settings?

1 Answer 1


You can change it, by editing the Target in the Chrome-properties.

  1. Go to the shortcut you use to open Google Chrome.

  2. Right-click the shortcut and select Properties.

  3. To use a different proxy server, go to the Target text box. Go to the end of the text, add a space and input the following:


    Where ipaddress is the address of the desired proxy server and port is the desired port. For example

    –proxy-server=”″ Make sure to include the quotes.

    To disable the proxy settings, go to the Target textbook. Go to the end of the text, add a space and input the following:

  4. Click OK.


  • 2
    This did not work for me
    – kolexinfos
    Aug 6, 2015 at 9:25

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