I noticed that an on uid of my GPG certificate is two times signed with my key. I thought that doesn't make much sense and cleaned the key (gpg --edit-key and then clean). Then i send the key to the keyserver (keys.gnupg.net) and then did gpg --refresh-keys. The signature was downloaded again. Why is this? Later i looked in the web interface of the server and the signature is still on my key. How can i remove this? Is this even recommended?

The key is F1787BA. The second sign is on my key since i changed the primary uid.

1 Answer 1


You can't remove signatures or UIDs from keys on keyservers. You can just revoke them. But they are then still visible as revoked signatures.

  • Thanks. Would it be a good idea to revoke one of the signatures or should i just leave them both on the key?
    – Kritzefitz
    Commented Oct 31, 2013 at 22:18

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