I have AutoHotKey, but am not smart enough to get the correct syntax for the script.

I have tried space::controlshiftQ and controlshiftq::space. Keeps telling me I have unrecognized action. Cannot find this specific question in all of their help pages.

What do I need to put in the script to get the computer to recognize that when I push the space bar, I want it to recognize that as pushing control,shift,and the letter Q all at the same time?


1 Answer 1


Using modifier keys is detailed in the Hotkeys documentation here.

The symbol for Ctrlis ^. The symbol for Shift is +.


You'll also likely want to take a look at the Context-Sensitive section, as I would assume you want to retain the function of your Space key in most cases.

  • You're welcome. Please mark this as the answer. Oct 30, 2013 at 12:29

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