ColumnA ColumnB EnquiryNo VisitNo 1804 0 1804 0 1804 0 1805 0 1806 0 1807 0 1807 0

Hope you can help as I am stumped!

My excel spreadsheet has 2 columns. Column A has been extracted through ODBC. I want Column B to increment by 1 each time Column A duplicates an Enquiry Number so it would look like this...

ColumnA ColumnB EnquiryNo VisitNo 1804 1 1804 2 1804 3 1805 1 1806 1 1807 1 1807 2

This is live data through an ODBC connection so the code needs to search for the Enquiry Number first, do a count of the number of instances of the enquiry number and then determine the next number in the sequence.

1 Answer 1


You can do this with an adjacent formula like the following.

The formula in C2 is what is entered in B2 The key is the formula having a fixed starting range value and an adjusting end range end value

enter image description here

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