I am looking for a solution that can write around 120MB/sec continuously to an SSD drive. Can I get this data transfer rate?

The drive can be formatted in FAT32 or EXT2, and I write to it for say 1 hour (or until it becomes full).

Do you have any suggestion for a drive?

  • You do understand SSDs have a write lifespan right? So feeling it up isn't the greatest idea. More information on the system hardware is required
    – Ramhound
    Nov 13, 2013 at 0:54

1 Answer 1


The majority of modern SSDs of size 200GB and up (size affects write speed) can write over 200MB/sec sequentially, such as for copying files.

If you're looking for a sustained 120MB/s of random/simultaneous writes, that is a different story, but you should probably explain your intended scenario in more detail.

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