How to delete Vault (AWS Glacier)
This Gist give some tips in order to remove AWS Glacier Vault
with AWS CLI (ie.
Step 1 / Retrive inventory
$ aws glacier initiate-job --job-parameters "{\"Type\": \"inventory-retrieval\"}" --vault-name YOUR_VAULT_NAME --account-id YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID --region YOUR_REGION
Wait during 3/5 hours… :-(
For the new step you need to get the JobId
. When the retrive inventory is done you can get it with the following command: aws glacier list-jobs --vault-name YOUR_VAULT_NAME --region YOUR_REGION
Step 2 / Get the ArchivesIds
$ aws glacier get-job-output --job-id YOUR_JOB_ID --vault-name YOUR_VAULT_NAME --region YOUR_REGION ./output.json
See. Downloading a Vault Inventory in Amazon Glacier
You can get all the ArchiveId
in the ./output.json
Step 3 / Delete Archives
from @vinyar
$input_file_name = 'output.json'
$vault_name = 'my_vault'
# $account_id = 'AFDKFKEKF9EKALD' #not used. using - instead
$a = ConvertFrom-Json $(get-content $input_file_name)
$a.ArchiveList.archiveid | %{
write "executing: aws glacier delete-archive --archive-id=$_ --vault-name $vault_name --account-id -"
aws glacier delete-archive --archive-id=$_ --vault-name $vault_name --account-id - }
from @robweber
ijson, which reads in the file as a stream instead.
You can install it with pip
import ijson, subprocess
input_file_name = 'output.json'
vault_name = ''
account_id = ''
f = open(input_file_name)
archive_list = ijson.items(f,'ArchiveList.item')
for archive in archive_list:
print("Deleting archive " + archive['ArchiveId'])
command = "aws glacier delete-archive --archive-id='" + archive['ArchiveId'] + "' --vault-name " + vault_name + " --acc$, shell=True, check=True)
from @Remiii
$file = './output.json' ;
$accountId = 'YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID' ;
$region = 'YOUR_REGION' ;
$vaultName = 'YOUR_VAULT_NAME' ;
$string = file_get_contents ( $file ) ;
$json = json_decode($string, true ) ;
foreach ( $json [ 'ArchiveList' ] as $jsonArchives )
echo 'Delete Archive: ' . $jsonArchives [ 'ArchiveId' ] . "\n" ;
exec ( 'aws glacier delete-archive --archive-id="' . $jsonArchives [ 'ArchiveId' ] . '" --vault-name ' . $vaultName . ' --account-id ' . $accountId . ' --region ' . $region , $output ) ;
echo $output ;
Mark: After you delete an archive, if you immediately download the vault inventory, it might include the deleted archive in the list because Amazon Glacier prepares vault inventory only about once a day.
See. Deleting an Archive in Amazon Glacier
Step 4 / Delete a Vault
$ aws glacier delete-vault --vault-name YOUR_VAULT_NAME --account-id YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID --region YOUR_REGION
Gist originally by @Remiii
Ok So a few years ago I closed my account and just reopened it a few month ago and guess what amazon still has my 3TB there on my account and now I got billed for them for the last few months.
So I came back to this question and found that:
- mt-aws-glacier is almost impossible to setup on the latest ubuntu then went to 12.04 awscli is not there, then when to 14.04 got an error about my signature...
- The Arq Answer is no longer relevant in Arq 5
- Then I found the above gist and copied it here because it is better for the community
- Tried cloudberry and it looks like it should work I will update here in 4~10 hours