I want to sum the total hours I was worked in a project. For each day, I have:

Starting Time B1: 09:30:00 am
Ending Time   C1: 17:00:00 pm
Total Hours   D1: =C1-B1 (06:30)

I want to sum the values from column D resulting in the total of hours.

1 Answer 1


Got it! Use the formula =SUM(D:D) and Format Cell with the following Custom: [h]:mm.

The behaviour of [h] is defined here.

[h]: Displays elapsed time in hours. If you are working with a formula that returns a time in which the number of hours exceeds 24, use a number format that resembles [h]:mm:ss.

  • 1
    You're correct. But you're formula is not. I think you meant =C1-B1 (or your cell-naming is not correct). Either way... if you are a night-dweller and work after midnight you might want to change the formula to =C1-B1+IF(C1<B1,1). In that case if the end-time is after midnight (and smaller than begin-time) there is a day added and your calculation is still correct.
    – Rik
    Commented Dec 19, 2013 at 9:07

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