I have a problem on Firefox. As it is already said in the title, some Unicode characters are replaced by weird squares with numbers inside. The thing is that it's only the case on Firefox - not on Open Office, not on Opera.
For example, if I look inside the little box at the bottom of this wikipedia page, I have a different outcome with Firefox and Opera.
What should I do ?
I already followed the advices on these two other threads about a similar problem ("Why only some unicode characters are visible on Firefox?" and "Why does Firefox not render some characters?") ; sadly, that wasn't enough : I already have Arial installed on my computer as well as on Firefox itself, and I also installed Code2000 ; that doesn't change anything. My Firefox settings also seem good.
So where's the problem ?
Thank you already for your help !
Update : I also installed DejaVu and DejaVuLGC, that didn't change anything. In fact, I can force Firefox to use only this font, then some (not all) of the missing characters appear ; but that's not a solution, since Opera doesn't have to do this to display correctly these characters (and some others).
For example, consider this page. With my usual Firefox settings, I see this. When I change them to these radical new settings, I see this. Look at the font of the normal text at the top ; obviously, it is DejaVu ; that isn't ideal : Opera does it better.