In Microsoft Word 2010, when I use the insert citation from the Citation & Bibliography pane, it always inserts English numbers. For a non-English text, this is not really good.

I have set the Numeral to context and if I enter a number in the text, I see non-English numbers. However in the case of citations, I always see English numbers. Is there anyway to fix that?

1 Answer 1


Check that you are specified the language of each source correctly:

From Citation & Bibliography pane select Manage Sources

In Source Manager window from Master List choose desired source, and click Edit...

In Edit Source window from Language drop-down menu located at top-right corner, choose native language for selected source.(e.g. for my Persian sources I choose Persian from drop-down menu, otherwise digits in Persian text will be displayed in English) then click OK.

Note that if this source is available on current document (so you could see it in Current List on the right side of Master List), Word will alert you to apply changes on that too, so we click Yes.

Close the Source Manager and Update your field.

This should do the job, but you may also need to correct text direction.

  • It didn't work for me. Can you show us a picture where you see non-english numbers in [].
    – mahmood
    Jan 29, 2014 at 7:07
  • You're right. I hadn't worked with IEEE style. Using this style, When I use Insert Citation, the numbers in brackets are still English, but For bibliographies there isn't such problem. If I find any solution I will share with you.
    – iman
    Jan 29, 2014 at 14:32

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