I use a laptop. Not a mac, but with a multitouchpad so I scroll down and right click with 2 fingers still.
I hate the fact that if I move too much my fingers over tabs, the scroll will but activated and it will switch to another tab (pretty randomly since my scroll was unintended). It can sometimes be difficult to find my tab bacK.
Is there a way to disable this behaviour? In general, Chrome seems very minimalistic in terms of behaviour customization ...
Someone had the problem on Firefox, which I actually don't have there: How can I disable mouse wheel scrolling of Firefox tabs? Maybe this extension could help, but I have a negative feeling about it. Somebody uses it? https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/shortcut-manager/mgjjeipcdnnjhgodgjpfkffcejoljijf
I'm using Chrome 30.0.1599.101 in Lubuntu 13.10.