I have a network monitor tool which logs all network activity, today a program called Google Update downloaded 245.34MB and uploaded 1.19GB of data.

The downloading seems like normal activity, but the uploading seems unusual.

I cannot find much on google about this, do you know what it could be? The only google program I have on my laptop is Google Chrome which I rarely use.

I am running windows XP with Malewarebytes and Kaspersky Internet security.

Thanks for any insight.

  • wireshark.org Mar 9, 2014 at 17:03
  • @techie007 Wireshark is not useful now as the 1.19GB has already been uploaded, I am very curious as to where it went and what data of mine it was.
    – cecilli0n
    Mar 9, 2014 at 17:52


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