I've been browsing through comp.lang.forth
usenet posts and have found some fascinating gems such as this one here on minimal Forth implementations.
Makes me wonder if it's possible to browse through the CLF postings in reverse order from when the usenet group was first started...
To this end, I downloaded Forte's Agent 7 usenet newsreader for Windows, and set it up to point to Eternal September as the news server.
This works great in pulling back the 30K postings from 2010 onward.
But it's clear by going to CLF on Google Groups, that there are messages that go back much further than this. In fact, i've been able to find postings from almost 30 yaers ago --- 1988.
Is there a way to access more headers than eternal-september appears to retain? How far back could I go? Is there another source that would allow going back to 1988?
In Agent 7, I've tried from the main menu:
Action > Get Headers > Sample Recent Headers...
And I've set the field: Retrieve all messages posted more recently than the specified date: number of days to retrieve = 10,000 (i.e. after 11 Aug 1986).
Nothing before 02.May.2010 is being pulled back.