You don't mention what shell you plan on using, so I'll assume bash, though these are pretty standard things across shells.
File Arguments
Arguments can be accessed via the variables $1
returns the command used to run the program). Say I have a script that just cat
s out n number of files with a delimiter between them:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Parameters:
# 1: string delimiter between arguments 2-n
# 2-n: file(s) to cat out
for arg in ${@:2} # $@ is the array of arguments, ${@:2} slices it starting at 2.
cat $arg
echo $1
In this case, we are passing a file name to cat. However, if you wanted to transform the data in the file (without explicitly writing and rewriting it), you could also store the file contents in a variable:
file_contents=$(cat $filename)
[ some stuff...]
echo $file_contents >> $new_filename
Read from stdin
As far as reading from stdin, most shells have a pretty standard read
builtin, though there are differences in how prompts are specified (at the very least).
The Bash builtins man page has a pretty concise explanation of read
, but I prefer the Bash Hackers page.
read var_name
Multiple Variables
To set multiple variables, just provide multiple parameter names to read
read var1 var2 var3
will then place one word from stdin into each variable, dumping all remaining words into the last variable.
λ read var1 var2 var3
thing1 thing2 thing3 thing4 thing5
λ echo $var1; echo $var2; echo $var3
thing3 thing4 thing5
If fewer words are entered than variables, the leftover variables will be empty (even if previously set):
λ read var1 var2 var3
thing1 thing2
λ echo $var1; echo $var2; echo $var3
# Empty line
I use -p
flag often for a prompt:
read -p "Enter filename: " filename
Note: ZSH and KSH (and perhaps others) use a different syntax for prompts:
read "filename?Enter filename: " # Everything following the '?' is the prompt
Default Values
This isn't really a read
trick, but I use it a lot in conjunction with read
. For example:
read -p "Y/[N]: " reply
Basically, if the variable (reply) exists, return itself, but if is's empty, return the following parameter ("N").