My Macbook Pro has suddenly stopped booting. When booting normally, it just shows the gray screen with Apple logo and a spinning wheel, and hangs like this. When booting in Safe Mode (Shift key), it shows the progress bar, fills it up to about 25%, then the progress bar disappears, the spinning wheel shows up and it hangs.
In Single User Mode it boots OK and gives me a command prompt. As far as I can tell, the directory structure and user files are intact.
In verbose mode, the last message I see before it hangs is
Created virtif 0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX p2p0
In Recovery mode it shows me Apple utilities. When I run the Disk Utility verifying and repairing the drives gives no errors.
Any suggestions what could be the issue? Any diagnostics I could run in Single User mode or in Repair mode from the command prompt?
Thanks in advance
networksetup -setairportpower en1 off
(assuming your Wi-Fi is en1; if you're on a Retina MacBook Pro, it'll be en0; in some other cases, it may be a higher number)