I have basically created a curated internet through all my bookmarks on pinboard (previously on delicious); my favorited, retweeted, and personal tweets on twitter; my posts on google plus and facebook; etc. Now I want a way to search them all at once (sort of like https://superuser.com/questions/282714/how-to-create-a-personal-search-engine, but I don't care for local file indexing).
Is there a single service or recommended set of services that make this easy and work well?
Specifically, in this priority, I'd want:
- http://Pinboard.in
- Twitter, first from my tweets/retweets/favorites, but then possibly tweets from those I follow
- Evernote (my stuff)
- Google plus (my stuff, then maybe from ppl I follow)
- Facebook (my stuff, then maybe from friends)
I've tried google custom search engine with just my public URLs (https://twitter.com/pckujawa, https://pinboard.in/u:patku) and, with a few settings (image), it's working ok, but it doesn't seem to be indexing everything I want and definitely isn't letting me set priority of the sources.
Favs sounds very promising (description below), but it's only for Mac. I'd like a web-based solution best.
If you are using social networks, you are also creating favorites. On Facebook you ‘like’, on Twitter and Google Reader you ‘star’, on Delicious and Pinboard you ‘bookmark’ and so on.
Find Favorites
Instead of spreading your favorites across different networks, use Favs to sync them to your Mac. Don't waste any more time on searching for your favorite content - Favs has a powerful search feature build right into the application that makes finding what you like a breeze.
Follow Favorites
Many favorites are public, for example on Twitter. This allows you to follow the favorites of persons you like and just see their hand-picked articles. For those sources Favs marks new entries as ‘unread’ and you can use Favs as a sophisticated Reader app.