file_line is an "ok" resource for ensuring lines appear in a file but not so good for ensuring lines are not there -- which is why I completely stopped using it.
If you really need to manage this file piecemeal and need to ensure the line is absolutely gone, the augeas resource will accomplish it much better. It's rather complicated but does the job really well. And there should already be a lens for the sudoers file.
But lornix is correct. You should not be managing this file this way. It is laden with dangers and there be monsters here.
Prefer templates and include files.
To answer your question explicitly: You can't. One look at the source code for file_line shows that it only looks for an exact match -- white space and all.
def destroy
local_lines = lines[:path],'w') do |fh|
fh.write(local_lines.reject{|l| l.chomp == resource[:line] }.join(''))