I have a list that looks like this ( notice the list is of the pattern A, B, C etc..)
1. [Insert question 1]
A. [Insert response A]
B. [Insert response B]
C. [Insert response C]
D. [Insert response D]
2. [Insert question 2]
A. [Insert response A]
B. [Insert response B]
C. [Insert response C]
D. [Insert response D]
When I copy and paste it I want it to look exactly the same. However this does not happen. What I get instead is ( the A,B,C, pattern continues on with the rest of the alphabet)
1. [Insert question 1]
A. [Insert response A]
B. [Insert response B]
C. [Insert response C]
D. [Insert response D]
2. [Insert question 2]
A. [Insert response A]
B. [Insert response B]
C. [Insert response C]
D. [Insert response D]
3. [Insert question 1]
E. [Insert response A]
F. [Insert response B]
G. [Insert response C]
H. [Insert response D]
4. [Insert question 2]
I. [Insert response A]
J. [Insert response B]
K. [Insert response C]
How do I fix this? Thank you!
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