I am interested in Arch Linux because it seems like it would be a learning experience to install and use it...and because I read that being so minimal it is pretty fast (is this true?)

But I was wondering if anyone has a step-by-step guide of how to do it for complete and total beginners? This is my only computer, so I will be writing down the entire guide for reference while I install.

3 Answers 3


Arch Linux has a step-by-step guide.

Arch Linux Beginner's guide.

First, read the FAQ, then follow the guide. If you run into any problems talk to the Arch ppl on IRC at irc://irc.freenode.net/#archlinux.


Arch-Linux is in effect a good way to learn some Linux tips. If you find that the installation is too difficult because you don't know basis (some shell, what is a HDD partition..), maybe you are trying to pass a too large step and you should use a Linux before installing one. In this case I think that you should try a LiveCD (of arch-linux if you want).

I can recommend you good installation guide with explicit commands : http://www.themukt.com/2014/06/07/arch-linux-tutorial/

It is an alternative for the official guide, with more details. You will learn how to begin the installation, process it, and install some packages.


Installation and Configuration of Arch Linux step-by-step guide:




  • While the link might provide an answer it can quickly become outdated. Please include the main points from the link within in your answer. Thanks. Commented Jun 24, 2014 at 7:21

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