Im looking for a software to convert any video files (avi, mpeg, etc) in a full-compatible DVD (that can be read on the mosts of dvd reader).

For windows, i bought ConvertXtoDVD and is really good, especially becose let you customize the chapters, join many files in one, edit the titles, etc.. in a really easy way.

There is something like for Ubuntu?

  • ConvertXtoDVD works pretty good under wine, has worked well several times for me ;)
    – user155695
    Commented Dec 1, 2009 at 12:58
  • Thanks, i'll try under wine, but i'll prefer something full-linux compatible, im not an ubuntu expert and wine somtime proc some errors.. and i take looong time to understand ho to fix it (that's why im totally switch on ubuntu, want to learn it)
    – Strae
    Commented Dec 1, 2009 at 15:18

3 Answers 3


I used to use ConvertXtoDVD as well.

On Linux I've found DeVeDe to be the best alternative.

  • 1
    +1 DeVeDe is awesome. I always use it for just this purpose.
    – codeLes
    Commented Dec 1, 2009 at 14:47

DeVeDe is a great tool - super simple. One area it's weak in is creating DVD menus.

Dvdauthor is a command line utility that has a ton of capability. Q DvdAuthor is a simple gui that handles the complexity of writing dvdauthor input files & invoking dvdauthor for you. It can't do everything, dvdauthor does, but it's easier if you're new to dvdauthor. It includes a template dialog to help make menus. The website has some menu templates.

q dvd author


I don't know the software you are mentioning as I am not a Windows user, but have a look at this question/answer... I believe it might contain some useful information for your case.

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