So I noticed this on Jeff's twitter. They don't have a tld, it seems?

How've they done this? Magic, bribery, or did a no-tld tld open up recently?

  • 8
    Same question just popped up over on ServerFault with multiple answers. :) serverfault.com/questions/90737/…
    – JMD
    Dec 3, 2009 at 18:25
  • @JMD: Here I was thinking I was going mad from lack of coffee... I thought I'd just seen this question.
    – AnonJr
    Dec 3, 2009 at 18:58
  • http://.to, http://to and http://to. no longer work in 2013 as they apparently did in 2009. Aug 26, 2013 at 18:13

2 Answers 2


I believe that the way it works is simply who ever owns the TLD .to, simply set up an A record for the TLD itself and are providing this service.

For example, google.com and google.com. are actually the same address.

You can also access this site via http://to

Some domains use this technique to redirect you to where you can purchase domains from, this place seems to offer a free service.

  • 1
    better explanation? I do this all the time... I set up dns records for work which is a map, and then there is extras such as server.work server2.work etc.... Dec 3, 2009 at 18:39
  • It doesn't redirect here - tonic.to ... I think that this is actually whoever owns the .to domain names set this up based on the fact that to.com (in your example) is a different website Dec 3, 2009 at 18:46
  • The server seems to be down (but DNS still resolves). Aug 16, 2012 at 5:57

Just to ensure people don't miss JMD's comment:

Many more answers at Server Fault's How the heck is http://to./ a valid domain name?

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