I need to merge several MP3 tracks into one, I use Mac OS X 10.5. I want to convert all my Harry Potter CDs to my iPod, but not every minute a new track (as it is on the CDs) but chapterwise. Where can I get a free software? Help, please!
(I've already tried: Jfuse, but after I had merged a few chapters it said I had to buy it; emicsoft VOB Converter for Mac; File Stitcher; but since they all were shareware, for free they would only let me merge 2 files at once (that would take me days) or half of each file which is useless of course; iTunes advanced settings ("join CD tracks") when importing the CDs, but it would let me only join the complete CD, not chapters...)
(Sorry for my English, hope you could understand what I wanted to say)