I cannot select mailto protocol in default parameters for google chrome, as it is marked as unknown application.

EDIT : To clarify, I tried this solution but when I save, and I go back in Google Chrome associations, MAILTO is automatically deactivated.

I cannot either associate google chrome for mailto in the type association, as it is not defined.

See here

When I stumble upon a link in an application or on the web, I get the window for selecting the program, with for only choice the Windows Store.

How can I set this right, so I can open any mailto whether they're on applications or the web ?

  • Didn't you already ask this?
    – Dave
    Aug 11, 2014 at 12:36
  • Yeah I've read it (it appears just below the title) but my problem is about the association : I can't find the mailto protocol in the list of association type (look for the link in the question) Aug 11, 2014 at 12:41
  • Nov 2017 Chrome 62 - works differently.
    – SDsolar
    Nov 27, 2017 at 9:59


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