I am wanting to add the same text to the end of about 10,000 cells, but I don't want to go through and manually type it in on every cell.

So basically, I want to:

A1        A5
text      =A1+"file"

So in cell A5, it would look like "textfile".

That formula is incorrect though, I get #VALUE!

Is there any way I could do this?

1 Answer 1


Two options:

=concatenate(expression1, expression2, ...)
=expression1 & expression2 & ...
The result will be the same from either of them.

If you wish to format any of the expressions then have a look into TEXT(expression,format)
which allows the same as Custom inside Format cell (CTRL+1).

NOTE: as always the , between expressions may be ; or something else depending on your locale and thus Excel settings.
Also note: if you have a localized version of Excel concatenate will be e.g. sammanfoga (Swedish).

  • Brilliant, thanks. I did: =concatenate(A1,file) and that worked.
    – Kevdog777
    Aug 15, 2014 at 8:56

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