What are good secrets for improving and using HTML tag completion in Sublime?

Personally, I'm looking for a way to keep the default functionality (if I type <a ...>Link text</, the closing a tag is completed) but at times I want to disable, maybe temporarily disable, that functionality (if I'm making a list and purposefully leaving off the closing li tags). (I'm not liking that if I type <ul> <li>Something <li>Something else </, Sublime closes my li tag when I want it to close my ul tag.)

If I frequently find myself in the above situation with various tags, is there a better solution than disabling auto complete functionality?

1 Answer 1


Here's a quick way to deal with the problem, though it's more a bandaid solution.

Just close your <li> tags like this <li/>. This has no effect on the rendered output, but Sublime Text will no longer automatically close it.

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