I hope I can word this to where it makes sense. I'm working on a budget. Basically broken down by month. So in the budget, if it is February, I have to estimate the remaining months of the year. I have a formula that does that. My budget pulls in data from an external spreadsheet and this is done on a monthly basis. I have a drop down at the top of my workbook that allows a user to select the current month. So if February is selected in the drop down, I need to apply a formula to apply the actual numbers to the February cell instead of estimating. I'm just not sure how to do that. Again, I hope this makes sense. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Use an if statement =if(A1="February",B1,B1*30/day(today()). If it is February use the value in B1 if not Forecast it forward for a 30 day month by multiplying 30 divided by the current day of the month
    – gtwebb
    Oct 14, 2014 at 16:26
  • Thank you! That was exactly what I needed. It worked very well! Oct 14, 2014 at 21:10
  • I dont see how to accept your comment as an answer though. Am I missing something? Oct 15, 2014 at 0:29
  • No your not missing something. As I put it as a comment it can't be accepted as an answer. As you've copied it into an answer I will just leave it as it is.
    – gtwebb
    Oct 15, 2014 at 15:57

1 Answer 1


Use an if statement =if(A1="February",B1,B1*30/day(today()). If it is February use the value in B1 if not Forecast it forward for a 30 day month by multiplying 30 divided by the current day of the month

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