I am trying to restart windows event log service but i get this error

Windows could not stop the windows event log service on local computer.  
Error5: Access is deined

My OS is Windows 7 (64) and user type is administrator, and I run service as administrator too.

What is the problem?

3 Answers 3


Regarding the error you got while restarting windows event log,

Task scheduler is associate with the windows event log.To restart the windows event log you need to stop the task scheduler.

Task Scheduler cant be stopped from windows 2008 so there are some steps to disable the task scheduler for while

For registry entry to disable


and then in the right side there would be start, change its value from 2 to 4

and then you need to restart the machine.once it is booted.you can restart the windows event log.

Once done you can re-enable the task schedule by modifying the entries in the registry as 4 and then restart the machine.

Note :Restart is must after changing the registry entries.


First of all, make backup up of this folder "c:\windows\system32\winevt". Check the permissions of this folder, it have to contain full-control for users "eventlog","LOCAL SERVICE" and "LOCAL NETWORK".

After all permission are ok, clear the files in folders and subfolders of winevt.

Reboot system. Check if service is up or try to start it.


One possibility might be to have corrupted/wrong permissions for files under C:\windows\system32\winevt\Logs, in which case removing all the files under that folder fixes the problem.

PS: If it doesn't fix the problem for you, run the Process Monitor (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/procmon) and look for the string "ACCESS DENIED" after reproducing the problem.

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