When I start up my computer (windows 7), AVG starts up. Usually this isnt a bad thing, but recently it's been taking up close to 40 percent of the listed CPU according to task manager. When I right-click on the process and select end process, it just says "Access Denied" I'm on an administrator account, and I should have full access. A while ago I took "ownership" of the whole system32 file, so I assume that extends to the AVG subfolder. Anyway, I tried to edit the permissions (through properties>security>modify permissions) but that still said access denied. I then tried through windows explorer, and got the same result, even though it said my account was the owner of the file. No user had full permissions, TrustedInstaller, System, Administrator, or Users. As I only have close to 50 gigs left on my current hard drive, I'd like to solve this without downloading anything, though if I need to I will. Any recommendations about how to do this?
Thanks ~Keelen