I have two data sets as shown below. In the first dataset I want to know if the row exists in the 2nd dataset and return either "Found" or "Missing"


Is there any way I can achieve this in Excel?


1 Answer 1


One way to do this is with a helper column so that you can compare all four cells against a single cell and use straightforward functions. Say your first dataset is in A1:D3 and the second is in F1:I3. In J1, enter:


Copy this down the column. This will concatenate the four cells into one value. Enter in E1:


Adjust the J$1:J$3 range to include all of your actual rows and then copy this down the column.

For each row in dataset1, it concatenates the four cells into a single value and looks for a match in the helper column. If there is no match, the ISNA test will be true and it will return "Missing". Otherwise, it means it found a match and it returns "Found".


This screenshot is from LibreOffice Calc, so the layout will look a little different from Excel.

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