I'm using the Regex functionality in Notepad++ to delete all characters between specific characters. For example I have text file with the following line:

table.column NOT IN ('AB1','CD2')$D$AB1,CD2$X$

I would like to locate the text contained within $D$ & $X$ giving me a selection of


Can anyone give me some pointers on how to achieve this?

Many thanks,


1 Answer 1


With the limited information from you example, I would suggest this:

Find what: (.*?\$D\$).*(\$X\$.*)

Replace with: \1TEST\2

Basically, the find expression consists of two capturing blocks ending and starting around the part you want to replace, and the replace expression reconstructs the line with your replacement.

  • Many thanks for the reply - I've tried this and it removes the text preceding the $D$...$X$ block. Ideally I would like only the text between $D$ & $X$ removed
    – aphrek
    Commented Feb 16, 2015 at 15:34
  • @aphrek I thought you wanted to get $D$AB1,CD2$X$. Could you give an example of the desired result?
    – m4573r
    Commented Feb 16, 2015 at 15:46
  • Hi, sorry my explanation wasnt great. I would like to replace text within the $D$ and $X$. first example (replacing existing text with string TEST): table.column NOT IN ('AB1','CD2')$D$AB1,CD2$X$ should return table.column NOT IN ('AB1','CD2')$D$TEST$X$ another example: table.column NOT IN ('CF1','GD2')$D$CF1,GD2$X$ AND table.amount > 0 should return table.column NOT IN ('CF1','GD2')$D$TEST$X$ AND table.amount > 0
    – aphrek
    Commented Feb 16, 2015 at 16:12
  • @aphrek updated answer according to your last comment
    – m4573r
    Commented Feb 16, 2015 at 16:25

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