Is there a way how to detect what process runs in the active pane?

tmux: Find "my" window, check if it's active is related, however, it deals with the detection from within the pane.

I need to detect this from an external command (not from within the tmux session).

The problem most likely boils down to two steps:

  1. Detect which pane is active
  2. Detect what process runs in the given pane

3 Answers 3


Turns out tmux has powerful formatting capabilities for the list-panes command:

$ tmux list-panes -F '#{pane_active} #{pane_pid}'
0 4993
0 5382
1 6189

The command above will print

1 <process_pid>

for the active pane.

Fromatting options are described in man tmux:

 pane_active                     1 if active pane
 pane_pid                        PID of first process in pane

For the discussion of the term "first process in pane", see What does the "first pid of a pane" in tmux mean?

  • Use tmux list-panes -F '#{pane_active} #{pane_index} #{pane_pid}' to also show the index of the pane, which you can get by pressing <prefix>b
    – Kay
    Aug 2, 2022 at 17:51

Just for reference, the #2 problem can be resolved by

ps fut

It prints out all processes running in current tty (each pane should have unique tty)


If what you're after is the name of the current process, try:

$ tmux display -p "${pane_current_command}"

However, that's not always correct, e.g. when the process was started from a shell script or by pressing v in less to invoke $EDITOR. In those cases, this works better

$ tmux run "ps -o comm= -t '#{pane_tty}'" | tail -1

Of course you can grab additional details by changing the arguments to ps. Or you can replace #{pane_tty} with another tty.

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