I need to run multiple instances of Google Chrome. Each instance must run on different monitor in a multi monitor system (Windows OS) but in full screen without any buttons or menus.

I tried several combination of switches but without luck


--window-position=10,10 -window-size=800,600



The Kiosk mode works but If I try to run the next instance it will go again on the primary screen.

Is there a way to run the Kiosk mode (preffered) or FullScreen mode of different Windowed Chrome instances in a multimonitor system ?

Probably if nothing works I would need to start each instance programmatically and send F11 keys to each window. This will work but it is some kind of hacking solution.

I am interested to know if there is some gracefull way to tell to Chrome "run this instance in a window in full screen or kiosk mode."

  • Unfortunately that solution doesn't work at all. The kiosk mode is not set after setting the position. The Chrome starts in a window mode.
    – Patrik
    Feb 19, 2015 at 12:29

1 Answer 1


I'm not sure if I got you write. I just take my mouse left-click on one tab, hold the mouse button and pull this tab out of the existing chrome window. This create a new independent chrome window which can be moved to the second monitor screen. I hope this is understandable.

  • 1
    This solution wouldn't work in situation described in the question. I am worried about the quality of your answers. You have published 25 answers in a single day. A good amount of your answers have several downvotes, none of them have a upvote, if you continue down this route you can be prevent from answering questions.
    – Ramhound
    Feb 19, 2015 at 12:10

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