I want to completely disable the whole syswow64. My goal is to make it impossible to run any 32-bit application, or load any 32-bit DLL on a 64-bit windows system. Similarly to the old 16-bit Windows applications, which can be emulated on some old 32-bit system, but not any more on 64-bit.
On Linux, I can simply disable the 32-bit emulation either in the kernel compilation config or by some sysctl
settings. But what can be done on Windows?
Is it somehow possible?
I know, that any 32-bit program—and maybe some 64-bit—won’t work any more, but it is not a problem to me. Actually, it is my goal.
The goal is to experiment in a 64-bit only Windows environment. Initiating a debate about its usability, or it is needed or not, is highly offtopic here. I want a solution, not a debate.