When I insert a blank CD, it gives me every option except the one I want (burn disc with Nero). How do I control what appears on this auto-play dialog? I have Windows XP 64-bit edition.

1 Answer 1


How to Change CD/DVD content AutoPlay actions in Windows XP

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Here you can change the default actions.

If you want to change the CD/DVD burning options, read Doug Knox' guide:

Add Your CD Burning Program to AutoPlay Actions

... which happens to deal with Nero Burning ROM (involves editing the registry).

  • I don't have Windows 7, Molly. I don't even have Vista. Thanks for help, though! Hey I think you were helping me on another question I am trying to figure out: superuser.com/questions/85580/… Dec 29, 2009 at 0:03
  • yep, just spotted that, edite my answer :)
    – Molly7244
    Dec 29, 2009 at 0:04
  • Yes, I just tried this and it works! Thank you. Although it kind of sucks having to edit the registry like that. Oh well, now I can write up a quick app to automate the process :D Dec 29, 2009 at 0:20
  • well, Vista/7 are easier, as they do offer defaults for blank cd/dvd, as you may have seen in the original answer ... is it a reason to upgrade? not in my books, it isn't :)
    – Molly7244
    Dec 29, 2009 at 0:22

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