I have hundreds of home video files in various formats (AVI, MP4, MOV, etc) in sub-folders in a \My Photos folder on my Windows 7 PC. I would like to upload all of these to my Flickr account. But Flickr supports only certain video formats.

What is the easiest way to convert all these files into a Flickr-friendly format? I know there are many video converter tools out there but I am not sure what "preset" (i.e. output format, codec, frame rate, height/width, etc) to use to make it compatible with Flickr? Ultimately, the goal is to view the video on a mobile device (phone, tablet, Chromecast to TV, etc).

How can I go about doing this?

1 Answer 1


I use ffmpeg. Here is a site that should make it easy: http://andrebluehs.net/blog/converting-avi-to-mp4-with-ffmpeg/

responding to comment for gui:

I just googled "video to mp4 gui ffmpeg" and came up with WinFF. I downloaded it and ran it. It seems good. This is what I would try. Good luck.

  • ffmpeg has too many knobs to tweak. I am looking for a GUI that I can drag and drop 100s of files, select a Flickr preset that determines the optimal transcoding parameters for Flickr and click a button and come back in a few hours. Any other ideas? May 20, 2015 at 15:31

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