C:\Users\Alex.Newton>robocopy /"\centlpf01cz6c\c$\Program Files\ProgramName\/" /"
\centlpf01cz6c\Program Files\TestBatch\Test\/"
ROBOCOPY :: Robust File Copy for Windows
Started : Mon May 25 15:42:30 2015
2015/05/25 15:42:30 ERROR 67 (0x00000043) Getting File System Type of Destinatio
n \\centlpf01cz6c\Program Files\TestBatch\Test\
The network name cannot be found.
Source : \\centlpf01cz6c\c$\Program Files\ProgramName\
Dest - \\centlpf01cz6c\Program Files\TestBatch\Test\
Files : *.*
Options : *.* /COPY:DAT /R:1000000 /W:30
2015/05/25 15:42:30 ERROR 67 (0x00000043) Creating Destination Directory \\centl
pf01cz6c\Program Files\TestBatch\Test\
The network name cannot be found.
This is the return I get when using Robocopy - The network name exists; any help guys?